How «feel-good hormones » affect your mind, mood and body

Feel-good hormones: How they affect your mind, mood and body

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Hormones are your body’s chemical messengers.

Once released by glands into your bloodstream, they act on various organs and tissues to control everything from the way your body functions to how you feel.

One group of hormones are nicknamed the «feel-good hormones» because of the happy and, sometimes, euphoric feelings they produce.

They’re also considered neurotransmitters, which means they carry messages across the spaces between nerve cells. What are the four feel-good hormones? Dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, and oxytocin.

You can boost levels of these hormones with some simple lifestyle changes, like diet, exercise, and meditation, and possibly improve your mood in the process.

There are many natural ways to increase levels of feel-good hormones in your brain, including with diet, exercise, and by spending time with the people you care about.

In a quest to feel better and prevent depression, it’s tempting to reach for a supplement as a quick pick-me-up.

For most people, supplementing these hormones isn’t necessary. And in some cases, supplements can cause unwanted and even serious side effects. For example, 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) supplements help to raise serotonin levels in the brain.

However, their use is linked to liver and brain damage, as well as a rare but potentially fatal condition called eosinophilia myalgia syndrome (EMS) that affects the muscles, skin, and lungs.

Before taking any supplements, it’s a good idea to check with your doctor to make sure the product you plan to buy is safe for you.

You may not even need a supplement unless you are deficient in a particular hormone.

And if you have a condition that’s marked by abnormally low levels of one of these hormones, such as Parkinson’s disease, your doctor can recommend medication to treat it.

Here are the links to articles looking at each of the four feel-good hormones and how they work:

Serotonin is the natural mood booster

  • Serotonin can stave off depression and provide a feeling a euphoria.
  • This hormone is responsible for boosting mood, as well as a host of other functions.

Where is serotonin produced?

An area in the center of the brainstem produces serotonin, which then acts on many different parts of the brain to affect a variety of functions and behaviors, including:

  • memory
  • fear
  • the stress response
  • digestion
  • addiction
  • sexuality
  • sleep
  • breathing
  • body temperature

Low levels of serotonin are linked to depression.

The most commonly used antidepressants, the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors  and serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), work by increasing serotonin levels in the brain.

It’s also possible to increase serotonin levels without taking medicine.

  • One natural way to increase serotonin is by working out.

When you pedal your bicycle or lift weights, your body releases more tryptophan, the amino acid your brain uses to make serotonin. This boost in serotonin (along with other is why many people get that feeling of euphoria known as a «runner’s high» after an intense workout.

  • Getting extra serotonin from foods is a bit trickier.

Protein-rich foods such as turkey are high in tryptophan, but our bodies don’t convert it to serotonin very efficiently.

And when you eat turkey together with other high-protein foods, the protein breaks down into amino acids, which compete with tryptophan to get across your blood-brain barrier (the border that prevents potentially harmful substances from reaching your brain). As a result, less tryptophan gets in.

One way to sneak more tryptophan into your brain is to get it from complex carbohydrate sources, such as vegetables, fruits, legumes, and whole grains.

When you eat these carbs, your body produces insulin, which helps your muscles pull in more amino acids, giving tryptophan a better chance at reaching your brain.


Endorphins can also release stress and create a feeling of well-being.

Endorphins are the body’s natural painkillers.

Endorphins are released by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland in response to pain or stress, this group of peptide hormones both relieves pain and creates a general feeling of well-being.

The name of these hormones comes from the term «endogenous morphine.»

«Endogenous» because they’re produced in our bodies. Morphine refers to the opioid painkiller whose actions they mimic.

About 20 different types of endorphins exist.

The best studied of these is beta-endorphin, which is the one associated with the runner’s high. We also release endorphins when we laugh, fall in love, have sex, and even eat a delicious meal.

You can increase your body’s endorphin release by engaging in these activities:

  •  Exercise.A moderately intense pace, whether you’re walking fast or doing another form of aerobic activity, seems to be best for releasing endorphins.
  • Acupuncture. An effective way to release endorphin is with pressure points. Placing fine needles into the skin at specific points around the body triggers the release of endorphins.
  • Meditation. Breathing deeply and focusing your brain calms your mind and eases pain.
  • Sex. These hormones are the reason for that blissful feeling many of us get after having sex. Experts believe that endorphins promote the release of other hormones that are involved in feelings of love.
  • Playing music. When you sing, dance, or bang on a drum, you do more than entertain others. You also release a rush of endorphins, which research suggests might increase tolerance to pain.
  • Laughter. A good belly laugh can do wonders for your state of mind. Along with releasing endorphins, laughter alters levels of  serotonin and dopamine.
  • Ultraviolet light. It’s no wonder that some people feel happy when they spend time outdoors in the sun. Ultraviolet light stimulates the release of beta-endorphins in the skin.

Oxytocin: The love hormone

Oxytocin can help us bond with loved ones and can be released through touch, music and exercise.

Oxytocin is a hormone that’s produced in the hypothalamus and released into the bloodstream by the pituitary gland. Its main function is to facilitate childbirth, which is one of the reasons it is called the «love drug» or «love hormone.»

Oxytocin both stimulates the muscles of the uterus to contract, and boosts the production of prostaglandins, which also increase uterine contractions.

Our bodies also produce oxytocin when we’re excited by our sexual partner, and when we fall in love.

That’s why it has earned the nicknames, «love hormone» and «cuddle hormone.»

How to increase oxytocin

Low oxytocin levels have been linked to symptoms of depression.

Researchers have been studying whether giving oxytocin in a pill or nasal spray might help to ease anxiety and depression, but so far the results have been disappointing.

In part, that’s because it’s hard for this hormone to slip across the blood-brain barrier.

A more promising way to boost oxytocin naturally is with exercise.

One study noted a jump in oxytocin levels measured in participants’ saliva after high-intensity martial arts training.

Music also seems to have the ability to increase oxytocin levels, especially when people sing in a group, which adds the element of bonding.

Just the simple act of touch seems boost oxytocin release. Giving someone a massage, cuddling, making love, or giving someone a hug leads to higher levels of this hormone and a greater sense of well-being.


Dopamine can provide an intense feeling of reward.

 Dopamine is most notably involved in helping us feel pleasure as part of the brain’s reward system.

Sex, shopping, smelling cookies baking in the oven — all these things can trigger dopamine release, or a «dopamine rush.»

This feel-good neurotransmitter is also involved in reinforcement.

That’s why, once we try one of those cookies, we might come back for another one (or two, or three).

The darker side of dopamine is the intense feeling of reward people feel when they take drugs, such as heroin or cocaine, which can lead to  addiction.

Dopamine also plays a role in these functions:

  • learning and attention
  • mood
  • movement
  • heart rate
  • kidney function
  • blood vessel function
  • sleep
  • pain processing
  • lactation

Neurons in the region at the base of the brain produce dopamine in a two-step process.

First, the amino acid tyrosine is converted into another amino acid, called L-dopa. Then L-dopa undergoes another change, as enzymes turn it into dopamine.

Too little dopamine causes the stiff movements that are the hallmark of  Parkinson’s disease.

Although depression is more often linked to a lack of serotonin, studies find that a dopamine deficiency also contributes to a down mood.

In particular, people with depression often suffer from a lack of motivation and concentration.

Because dopamine is made from tyrosine, getting more of this amino acid from food could potentially boost dopamine levels in your brain. There is evidence that a diet rich in tyrosine also may improve memory and mental performance.

Foods high in tyrosine include:

  • chicken and other types of poultry
  • dairy foods such as milk, cheese, and yogurt
  • avocadoes
  • bananas
  • pumpkin and sesame seeds
  • soy

There is also some evidence that the brain releases more dopamine when we meditate.

The change in consciousness that occurs during meditation may trigger its release.


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Last Updated on 29.01.2022 by iskova