A Norwegian technology company has found a way to stop livestock slurry from releasing methane – by zapping it with artificial lightning

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A Norwegian technology company has found a way to stop livestock slurry from releasing methane – by zapping it with artificial lightning

Source: Reuters, 4/12/2021

A Norwegian technology company has found a way to stop livestock slurry from releasing methane – by zapping it with artificial lightning. Their patented technology is the only one of its kind.

As independent tests showed their technology reduces methane emissions from slurry by 99% and cuts by 95% the emission of ammonia; described by the EU as one of the main sources of health-damaging air pollution.
A commercial model of the device is due for release in June 2022, in a modular “stackable” form.
Exact pricing is  not announced yet.

Last Updated on 04.12.2021 by iskova